If you trust home remedies more then the chemical product available in the market, then you have come to the right place because at Style.pk, our focus is to provide our users smart home made remedies for almost all types of skin care and hair care problems. Coconut Oil is a natural conditioner which is almost a perfect solution for our hair care problems; it consists of 90 percent fatty acids like polyunsaturated and monounsaturated, which helps in repairing damaged hairs.
A simple home made remedy of coconut oil is to put some oil on palm of hands and then rub your hands nicely, ensuring oil get a little warm and then give you scalp a gentle massage and ensure you cover every single strand of your hair with coconut oil. Try to use this home remedy while going to bed and let your scalp absorb the natural conditioner for whole night. In the morning, rinse with gentle shampoo, this home made remedy will help make you damage hairs healthy again.