The energetic clicks from famed Pakistani star Maya Ali stunned fans on social media. The gorgeous showbiz actress enters her Instagram to share her latest photos with fans. Teefa in Trouble looks radiant in Faiza Saqlain’s dress. Maya Ali Rocks the Tie Dye Trend In Summery Yellow, Maya recently shared her latest photo of Faiza Saqlain on her social media account on Instagram. The Teefa In Trouble star looked radiant in a festive yellow dress. Check out these beautiful clicks.
Maya Ali Rocks the Tie Dye Trend In Summery Yellow
Pakistani actress Maya is very popular in the entertainment industry. The star Mann Mayal shines with his excellent on-screen performance. This beautiful actress has become a household name in Pakistan. Fans love her performance on hit TV series like Diyar-e-Dil and Mann Mayal.
After turning to the film studio, Maya Ali managed to maintain the success. The young actress is appreciated by fans for her leading role in such blockbusters as Teefa In Trouble and Parey Hut Luv. Although fans rarely see Maya on TV these days, the 31-year-old still makes fans happy on social media. The actress was active on Instagram, kept in touch with fans and followers and shared beautiful clicks on social media.
“Tera has thaam k lo hum bhi chal diye …” Maya Ali wrote in the title.
What do you think of Maya Ali’s latest clicks on Instagram? Share your thoughts in the comments below.