Monday,June 19, marked the trailer launch of Project Ghazi – the first ever superhero film to come out of the Pakistani film industry. In this connection, a ceremony was held in Karachi, attended by the team behind the ambitious upcoming project.
Whilst addressing the audience and the media, Project Ghazi director Nadir Shah admitted it had been a challenge to even attempt the superhero genre. “But I thought if we put in hard work, we will be able to offer Pakistani cinema something new and different,” he said. Producer Syed Ali Raza added to this saying, “We have attempted something different,
Pakistan’s first superhero movie ‘Project Ghazi’s first teaser looks fierce!
The cast of Project Ghazi, namely Humayun Saeed, Sheheryar Munawar Siddiqui, Syra Shehroz, and Nusrat Hidayatullah, also joined the director and the producer. Syra spoke of the beginner’s luck she seems to be enjoying in her young film career.“Very early on in my career, I have managed to score my dream project. So, I’m really honoured to be a part of it,” said the actor, who was last seen in Chalay Thay Saath. “The film’s idea and the theme was so different that it was a joy to work on the project.”Humayun, Sheheryar and Saira team up for Pakistan’s ‘first ever superhero film’
Asked what convinced him to sign up for Project Ghazi, Munawar said it was the concept of nationalism. “What made me come onboard was Project Ghazi’s idea of nationalism without hatred or negativity against any other country,” he stated, adding that he has worked very hard for the role and even underwent physical training for several months.Ali revealed that Sheheryar was actually the first actor to come onboard Project Ghazi. “I went to a lot of people but he was the first one to believe in a superhero film, when others didn’t.” The film-maker also credited to Humayun for his dedication. “A lot of big stars don’t like to do films where they have to share the limelight with other actors.
Humayun confessed that he was, in fact, the last of the cast members to join in. “It was unusual…I usually produce my films and cast myself in them first,” he joked. Adding to Ali’s point, the actor said he never has issues sharing the space on screen. “A lot of actors feel insecure. And they fear that film-makers will misuse them and they will be relegated to small roles.