Sarwat Gilani Wishes Husband On Birthday In The Cutest Way Ever, Last week marked the birthday of the most handsome doctor of Pakistani entertainment industry Fahad Mirza. For his special day, his better half, actress Sarwat Gilani, decided to wish him a happy birthday in the most special way ever. The starlet posted a video on her Instagram account in which she sang the cutest birthday song and kissed him at the end of the images. The couple decided to celebrate the birthday in a simple way but look at them, they look so happy together!
Sarwat Gilani Wishes Husband On Birthday In The Cutest Way Ever, Don’t they look super cute together? The actress also posted a picture on her Instagram account with her hubby. The caption reads, “It’s a boy! Happy birthday, @fahadzmirza. You are the sunshine in my life…May you always keep shining with health, happiness and success.