Minal Khan & Ahsan Mohsin looks super excited on Engagement. On her auspicious day, Minal was looking drop-dead gorgeous in light green hand-embroidered traditional dress that glorified her desi charm. Meanwhile, her fiancé Mohsin Ikram looked dashing in an all-white ensemble.
Minal Khan has been in the limelight for quite some time now. However, she and Ahsan Mohsin recently garnered fame for allegedly being in a romantic relationship. While the two of them have not confirmed any rumor yet, netizens want them to make it official. Or as the euphemism goes ‘put a ring on it’.
Both Minal and Ahsan took to social media to announce the happy news with fans and followers. They also shared some gorgeous photos from their engagement ceremony.
Both Aiman and Minal are adored by their fans and drama lovers absolutely love their work. The twin sisters have worked in numerous Famous Pakistani serials and have walked the ramp several times. They are also boss ladies, as their clothing line Aiman Minal Closet is reviving the fashion industry.
In an adorable picture, doing rounds all over social media, the couple is serving some major retro-couple vibes in this picture from their engagement photo-shoot. The celebrity couple took to social media to announce the happy news with fans and followers. They also shared some gorgeous photos from their engagement ceremony.
Minal Khan & Ahsan Mohsin looks super excited on Engagement
The Jalan actress took to her Instagram to share the lovely picture. “Minal Ahsan,” she wrote.
On the other hand, Ahsan Mohsin Ikram also took to his Instagram and shared multiple adorable snaps with his wife-to-be.
On her auspicious day, Minal was looking drop-dead gorgeous in light green hand-embroidered traditional dress that glorified her desi charm. In one of the videos, Minal and her twin sister Aiman can be seen dancing while sitting together alongside Ikram during the ceremony which seemed to have been an intimate affair with few guests.