Kareena Kapoor flaunts her baby bump sporting pink sports bra. Actor Kareena Kapoor Khan is having the best time of her life as she and hubby Saif Ali Khan are expecting their second baby together after Taimur Ali Khan. Mommy-to-be made no attempts to hide her growing baby bump as she stepped out in Mumbai on sets of Puma for a shoot. Kareena, in a pastel pink sports bra, clicked a selfie focusing on the glowing face and cute baby bump. In December, she has completed seven months of her maternity period and an adorable picture of her flaunting baby bump is going viral on social media.
Actor Kareena Kapoor Khan, who is all set to give birth to her second child, was spotted in Mumbai flaunting her baby bump in Latest Casual Dress.. The pregnancy glow is quite evident on her face. With kohled eyes and a dash of lipstick, she looks absolutely gorgeous. In August, Kareena and Saif Ali Khan announced that they are expecting their second baby. In an official statement, the couple shared, ‘We are very pleased to announce that we are expecting an addition to our family !! Thank you to all our well-wishers for all their love and support.’
Kareena took to Instagram to share this pic with a caption: “Two of us on the sets of @pumaindia 🤭💕”. She is inspiring the expecting moms with her sartorial choices. She leaves no stone unturned in making her fans drool over her effortless maternity pictures.
Kareena Kapoor flaunts her baby bump sporting pink sports bra
Kareena Kapoor Khan Flaunts Her Baby Bump in Casual Dress. Motherhood is the most awaited phase in every woman’s life. The moment she gets married, she dreams of the beautiful phase when she will be able to nurture a life within her. However, the pregnancy fashion is not at all an easy one. A woman goes through a volcano of emotions, dizzy days and sleepless nights. Above all, she has to constantly adjust to the gaining weight and lack of maternity clothes can make her days even worse. But thanks to Bollywood actress, Kareena Kapoor Khan, the soon-to-be-moms have a lot of inspirations.