How important do you think water is for your body? and how much do you intake water daily ? These are two very important question for having a healthy life. Water is one of the most essential part of not only your body but also your diet. So the intake of water is very important. Nutritionists says; we suggest that you drink water in accord to your life style rather then to follow the rule of drinking 8 glasses daily. So, in today’s health and beauty article we will talk about how much water should you drink every days ?
How much water should you drink every day
How much water should you drink every day is a very important question. A question to which you should pay special attention to. Water does not only help in improving your inner health, it also effects your outer beauty. Water plays a very vital role for your skin, it can add volumes to your skin. In Take of right amount of water result in better and fresh skin
Water is not only your body’s natural detoxifier but is also the principal chemical. but the hard luck is we are not aware of how much water should we drink daily. Also, the 8 glasses rule may work for some, but its not a compulsion that it will work for every one. Now a -days nutritionists suggest that you in take 12 – 15 glasses of fluid daily, which includes water. Following are some tips on how much water should you drink every day ?
Nutritionists say that your lifestyle play a vital role in deciding the right amount of water you should drink daily. Doctors says that if you work in an environment where you have the facility of air conditioners, then drinking 12 to 16 glasses of water is not advisable. It may do you harm, rather then helping you out. But for saleworker, like people who do physical activity it is important that your drink 2-2.5 litters of water daily.
Water consumption during summers
This is a very important point, you consumption should magnify if you do physical activity in summer. People get dehydrated due to lack to water and thus result in getting ill, suffer from diabetes or blood pressure. Another important thing is that your should try to drink maximum water in the morning. Try drinking two to four glasses of water in the morning, you can also add honey, lemon and cinnamon in to incase you want to lose weight. But make sure that the water then is lukewarm.
Your water guide
- Drink around two to four glasses of water (roughly amounting to 800 ml) after waking up
- If you work in an airconditioned environment and follow a sedentary lifestyle, do not drink more than 2 to 2.5 litres of water per day
- For moderate workers, for instance salespersons, it is important to drink around three litres of water
- During summers, keep yourself hydrated by drinking water at regular intervals. If you don’t suffer from diabetes or blood pressure, having electrolyte or glucose water is also advisable