Alizeh Shah Addresses the FIR Filed Against Her for Physical Abuse on Sets. Recently actress Minsa Malik filed FIR against her co-star Alizeh Shah for unprofessional behavior on the set of their upcoming drama serial Mohabbat Ki Aakhri Kahani. Addressing those allegations Alizeh Shah reshared the story of a popular blogger Ayesha Jahangir Malik who shared the details of that unfortunate event in detail.
Minsa Malik is an actress and model and she has appeared in several projects before the current Mohabbat Ki Akhri Kahani with Alizeh Shah. She has worked in Nand, Aulaad, Ant ul Hayat, Deedan, and Azmaish. She is very close to Yesteryear PTV actress Nabeela who left acting for her family. Now Minsa is carrying similar talent forward and working in the industry.
The FIR elaborates on the chaotic scene, stating that Alizeh Shah resorted to using abusive language and even tore her own clothes while the altercation was unfolding. The situation seemed to be captured by the camera that was recording the scene, potentially adding more intrigue to the incident. For the unversed, emerging actress Minsa Malik on Tuesday filed an FIR against popular actress Alizeh Shah. According to the complaint filed, Alizeh Shah was allegedly high on the set, exhibiting erratic behavior, purportedly under the influence of drugs.
Alizeh Shah Addresses the FIR Filed Against Her for Physical Abuse on Sets
The FIR elaborates on the chaotic scene, stating that Alizeh Shah resorted to using abusive language and even tore her own clothes while the altercation was unfolding. The situation seemed to be captured by the camera that was recording the scene, potentially adding more intrigue to the incident. Minsa Malik has lodged an FIR against Alizeh Shah for being high on drugs and misbehave with Minsa on the sets in Islamabad. Minsa said that when she defended herself, and in return Alizeh threw her sandals at her. She accused Alizeh of unprofessionalism and being high on drugs.