Zara Noor Abbas and Asad Siddiqui is a hot favorite couple in town. Zara Noor Abbas is a fashion designer, actress and daughter of famous Pakistani actress Asma Abbas whereas Asad Siddiqui is an actor and model who is nephew of Adnan Siddiqui. Zara Noor Abbas and Asad Siddiqui got engaged in summer, 2017 and tied knot this winter. The couple has become the talk of the town. They are spotted at different events and their pictures go viral in time. The couple spent time together a beach. Here we have pictures of Zara Noor Abbas and Asad Siddiqui at Beach. Have a look to them.
See Zara Noor Abbas and Asad Siddiqui at Beach
The couple looks cool. They are enjoying every bit of their life.