
Very Interesting Jewelry Myths You Didn’t Know

Can you tell me about a few very interesting jewelry myths? Well, the truth is the women think of nothing else but choosing stylish jewelry and wearing it. This article is going to give you a lot of fun in this regard.

Scientific Background – Jewelry Myths

It is one of the most interesting jewelry myths. We simply cannot believe if jewelry can even have any historical information or scientific background. But it really is true. The folks say that there was a time when jewelry didn’t exist. I am here talking about the stone age era. There were no beauty experts and jewelry designers. So, in those days, the women used to make themselves beautiful with wearing the leaves.

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Hairs Grow Thicker

I cannot believe but many of the people say that the hairs grow thicker and larger when you wear jewelry frequently and commonly. It is one of the most interesting jewelry myths. I know you would not believe it. According to a survey, the women in some provinces of America have complained that even when they shave their hairs, wearing jewelry adds their body with thick and tough hairs that are difficult to remove with razor.

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The Skin becomes Darker

Here is again one of the most interesting jewelry myths. The skin becomes darker wearing jewelry too often. To some extent, it is true. I can say this because in our country Pakistan there are summers for about 6-7 months. Isn’t it? In this way, when you wear heavy or light jewelry during the hot sunny days, too much sweat is going to be produced. This makes it difficult for the skin to breathe and it closes the skin pores. Thus, it results in darkening of the skin. The most suitable way is that you should wear lightweight necklace, earrings, and finger ring during summers.