Pakistani drama actress Sumbul Iqbal who gained popularity from the drama serials Morr Us Gali Ka, Dil-e-Abad, Hawa, Rait Aur Angan has been spotted in the shooting of upcoming drama Ek Thi Rania. She is already being seen in many other drama serials on different TV channels. Other dramas making her popular are Raju Rocket, Roag, and Meray Khwab Raiza Raiza.
Sumbul Iqbal is recently seen on the set of upcoming drama Ek Thi Rania. Sumbul Iqbal is talented and gorgeous enough to win the hearts of the audience in no time. Sumbul Iqbal looks so stunning in bridal dress from the upcoming drama. More details and news are yet to be known.
Check the pictures of Sumbul Iqbal on the set of Ek Thi Rania: