Minal Khan and Ahsan Mohsin is once again under the spotlight. Minal Khan Shares pic of Her & Ahsan Mohsin Wedding Card. Minal is a Young, beautiful and accomplished actress who joined Showbiz as a Child artist and today she is one of the lead actresses of the Pakistani Entertainment Industry. She couldn’t pursue her studies because of becoming part of the Showbiz at a very young age. Today she is ruling the television screens with her beauty and talent and is all set to become the upcoming superstar of the industry.
The latest post loaded by the couple on their respective Instagram handlest captioned, ‘‘Prepping up! Let the countdown begin,” the actors have been spotted sitting together enjoying each other’s company.
Lately, some recent adorable pictures of Minal Khan and Ahsan Mohsin Ikram from Amal’s 2nd birthday party popped up on social media. The couple looks super cute together, have a look!
Minal Khan is one of the biggest names in the Pakistani showbiz industry. The actress has made a name for herself in the entertainment business due to her radiant beauty and brilliant performances. The young actress has starred in several big hit drama serials such as Nand, Jalan and Hasad.
The actress is the talk of the town ever since her engagement to actor Ahsan Mohsin Ikram. Minal looked mesmerizing on her big day. The young diva continues to captivate fans on social media with beautiful photoshoots. The stunning young diva is always in touch with her fans, melting hearts with gorgeous clicks.
Minal Khan and Ahsan Mohsin is once again under the spotlight
The couple has often been criticized for their inappropriate pictures together. Recently, the bride to be Minal Khan and Ahsan Mohsin Ikram are under the fire once again. The recent pictures of Minal and Ahsan received immense backlash from the netizens, let’s have a look!