
latest dress designs by huma numair 2011

Huma numair is one of the emerging talent in pakistan. Her expertise lie n dress designing and replicas of famous fashion designer.

fashion or trend is something from which no one can be saved. So its better to adapt it then to run with it, but when it comes to adaption fashion can turn out to be expensive. What you have to do for hat is find designers who dont have sky rocketing prices and at the same time are good. Well your quest is solved here Huma numair makes designers clothes for girls, with her own innovation and replicas of famous designers, now all designs and fashion can be at your service. Her collection consists of stylish dresses for girls, beautiful party dresses, gowns and bridal wear.

multi shaded green frock 11

air line white frock 12

beautiful maroon frock for girls 12


dark purple frock with orange pajama13