Jafferjees has been one of the most favorite and yet the top leading brands in Pakistan fashion industry. This brand has been involved in offering with the fashion accessories for both men and women. Their main fashion products revolve within the shoes, handbags and so many other wide ranges of fashionable items. They have gained so much appreciation and well liked responses so far with the showcase of their some of the tremendous collections. This time Jafferjees has arrived with the launch of their yet another blasting attractive and newly collection 2013. This latest collection was revealed in Fashion Pakistan Week 5 that was undertaken in Karachi on 9th April 2013. This latest collection 2013 was entitled with the name of Just Colors. The collection was complete filled with the company of leather handbags, clutches, document cases, wheelers and satchels. The collection was so much colorful and full of life that it takes away the hearts of the women in just one look.
Apart from it, the brand has make the filling of some of the light shades along with the combination of bright color combinations in the collection accessories such as red, white, blue, purple, pink and yellow. The women can avail out all such accessories for the get together functions and even for the social events as well. For the easiness of the women we will share few pictures of Jafferjees collection 2013 at Fashion Pakistan Week 5. There were so many models that give away a sizzling and eye catching implication to the entire collection that get together with the Nadia Hussain, Ayyan, Zeba Ali, Sana Khan etc. All the models were finished with the makeup and hairstyling from Saba Ansari whereas the cinematography has been captured by Faisal Farooqui at Dragonfly. At this point we would also like to appreciate the talents of Warda Saleem and Nubain Ali who designed and style up the entire Jafferjees collection 2013 at FPW 5.
Jafferjees Collection 2013 At Fashion Pakistan Week 5