Kanwar Arsalan and Fatima Effandi are two famous personalitites of the showbiz. Both of them got married three years ago and Mashallah they are among the most beautiful and happy couples of the industry. They have also have a very cute son named “Almir Khan”. So first of all, lets have a look at their career and background.
Kanwar Arsalan is a famous Pakistani actor. He has worked in several Pakistani dramas and got appreciation from many. Besides acting, Arsalan is also a well known model of Pakistan. He has done shooting for several famous clothing brands and was nominated as the best model of Pakistan at Lux Style Awards.
On the other hand, Fatima Effendi is also a famous Pakistani actress. Her acting in drama serials like Chal Jhooti, Kash Mein Teri Beti Na Hoti and Pul Siraat was outstanding and most of the people know her just because of the great acting in these dramas.
Fatima Effendi and Kanwar Arsalan Enjoying Snowfall In Murree
So if you are a fan of this beautiful couple then today I am going to share something really lovely for you. Recently, Fatima Effendi and Kanwar Arsalan were spotted enjoying snowfall in Murree. They shared their pics on social media. So lets see that how they celebrated their vacations in Murree.