
Click of Mawra Hocane with Bollywood Star John Ibraham !

Mawra Hocane is one of the top listed celebrities. She is younger sister of famous actress , VJ and model Urwa Hocane. She herself is a good actress and model. “. She also did leading roles in Pakistani Drama Serials . Her famous drama serials included Mein Bushra , Mein Gunhegar Nahi etc. She walked on countless ramps and rose to height of fame. She has done so many photoshoots for various Pakistani Brands.

Here is latest click of Mawra Hocane with Bollywood Star John Ibraham !

She got a chance to make her debut in Bollywood film. Her debut Bollywood film was “Sanam Teri Qasam. Thats why she mostly been seen with bollywood stars. Have a look over hocane with bollywood star John Ibraham.