BnB Accessories is an online store of branded women accessories including handbags, wallets, shirts, clutch bags, and jewelry etc. BnB is the abbreviation of Bags and Bangles.
BnB offers free delivery across the country. Their mission is to make shopping easy for everyone; you can sit back at home and just order whatever you like at a click. Their USP is to sell the best product at the lowest price possible so that maximum women can consume their products. Their website is really nice and always up to date so that you never miss any good deals and discounts. They also have this DEAL OF THE DAY segment in which they offer their products at a lesser price or at discount.
Like every other fashion store and boutique, BnB has also come up with their winter arrivals including women handbags, clutches, shoes, jewelry, dresses, wallets etc. They are beautiful and trendy; you can carry these bags, wallets and clutches easily to any party, gathering, and formal evening or even to your work. Also, their jewelries are decent and delicate so that you don’t look over dressed in winters and specially, your skin don’t get itchy and red (by wearing heavy jewelry)
Trendy Zipper Shoes by BnB
Colorful Footwear by BnB
Women Winter Wear by BnB
Latest Handbags Collection by BnB
Classy Clutch by BnB
Formal Clutch Collection for Women – BnB
Footwear Collection for Winter by BnB
This was just a trailor, Have a look at their full winter collection. HURRY UP don’t be late, you might miss the “DEAL OF THE DAY” or the SPECIAL DISCOUNTS! 😉
For home delivery across Pakistan,
Email them at
Phone: 03472251192, 03363457430