The eldest daughter of the late Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto and Asif Ali Zardari, Bakhtawar, during the day on Friday in the Bilawal house in Karachi. At the ceremony, he married the son of an American businessman named Mahmood Choudhry. Your PPP chairman Bilawal shared some photos. Bakhtawar Bhutto’s Nikkah Ceremony Pictures, And give his newlywed sister a sweet message on Instagram. He wrote: “This is the happiest moment for my sister Bakhtawar to get married in years. It feels like our mother takes care of us in happy moments. I wish them all the best in their new life.”
Bakhtawar Bhutto’s Nikkah Ceremony Pictures
Aseefa, Bhutto’s youngest sibling, also hopes the couple will “lead happy lives” on their new journey. She wrote: “I love you, my dear sister. I wish you a happy marriage and a happy life.” Here are some details mentioned in Bakhtawar’s Nikkaah:
The Dress
In an ensemble of sparkling golden spots, Bakhtava looks like a real princess. The Lehenga ornament on the champagne-colored floor is accompanied by a stone-colored clutch, diamond and emerald jewelry and round hair. This is Wardah Saleem’s ensemble. Young people chose it out of motivation to help Sindhi Saleem’s fashion brand. The decoration of the dress is similar to that of Benazir on his important days.
The makeup
Bakhtawar went for a neutral color palette on a busy day to combine light hair and minimal products. The emeralds on their chain could be the only break in the entire ensemble. Most desi brides choose traditional purple dresses, as well as gold and red makeup for the wedding. But Bakhtawar opted for something else to make the hair look natural and open and slightly curly.
The Decoration
Lahore’s high-end event planners arranged their famous Sheesh Mahal-style installation. The Ayra Events theme integrates tradition into large-scale events by adding Sindhi wooden workbenches and matching Rilli quilts. The groom can sit in his ivory sherwani and floral veil. Even so, the event was eye catching, covered in ivory, gold and silver and red.