
5 Chapters of Hadiqa Kiani’s Album “Wajd” are out !

Hadiqa kiani the top most singer of Pakistan. She has become famous in Sufi music after Pop and Rock music. It is better to say that Hadiqa’s voice allows everyone to enjoy a particular pleasure. She has sung many sufi songs and everyone showered praise on her. This versatile singer of Pakistan has sung in almost every language. She has released three songs of her Album “Wajd” which are “Bhit Ja Bhitai ” , “Kamli Da Dhola” and “Aj Rung Hai” . Wajd is about simplicity in its final form. On social media almost One Billion peolpe liked these hit sufi songs. These sufi numbers are on top of list of Music Chart. Now Hadiqa released 4th song of his Album ” Kamli” in Punjabi which is tribute to the mystic poet “Baba Bullay Shah”. Original lyrics of Kamli are  from Bullay Shah’s poetry.

About Kamli Hadiqa said ;

“I am impressed from Bullay Shah’s poetry “

Abdullah Haris has directed and produced this song . The videi of song is shooted in Natural light in Single take Format . In teaser of song you can Hadiqa with song’s team at the tomb of Baba Bhullay Shah in Qasoor.

Here is teaser of chapter 4 ” Kamli” of Kiani’s Wajd

Here is click of Hadiqa with team of “Bhit Ja Bhitai”

Teaser of “Bhit Ja bhitai” is here ;

Here is short click of Saraiki folk song “Kamli Da Dhola”

Kamli da dhola is a hearttouching sufi song and Hadiqa is singing in such a confident and sanguine way !

Chapter 5 (celebration chapter) of Wajd is here

So 5 chapters of Album ” Wajd” are out . It is all about mystic poetry and everyone luxuriate after listening these.