
Which Pakistani Celebrities Are Best Friends

Do you know that there are so many celebrities in the Pakistan industry of entertainment who are best friends of one another. Well yes, the closest friendships are happening in industry world too. So here we are with the names of some of the famous and well known Pakistani celebrities who are best friends of one another. Let’s have a look!

Which Pakistani Celebrities Are Best Friends

Fawad Khan and Ahmed Ali Butt

On the top how can we miss out mentioning with the name of Fawad Khan and Ahmed ali Butt. Both of them have tail friendship of the last so many years.

Maria Wasti and Ayesha Omer

They have fun together and they stand by each other whenever there is a controversy.

Osman Khalid Butt and Maya Ali

Maya Ali and Osman Khalid Butt have done so many dramas together but their real relationship outside the world of television is even more adorable as than what see in dramas.

Faisal Qureshi and Aijaz Aslam

Faisal Qureshi and Aijaz Aslam have been friends for many years too. They have also done so many successful shows together.

Mahira Khan and Feeha Jamshed

Mahira Khan and Feeha Jamshed are friends from the time as when they were not even celebrities. Both of them achieved what they wanted from life and are still best friends.

Sajjal Ali and Ahad Raza Mir

Sajjal Ali and Ahad Raza Mir were the most hit on-screen jodi in 2017. They hence all the more denied the rumors that there might be something more between than being good friends but they do not deny that they are best of friends.

Sanam Saeed and Sarwat Gillani

These two wonderful and yet the talented actresses are also really good friends.

Ahsan Khan and Saba Qamar

The fiery chemistry as we see between these actors on television is the result of the strong friendship they have off screen.

Imran Abbas and Sanam Jung

These two friends hence always get together whenever they are in the same city. Imran Abbas always has good ties with all his co-stars but it is only Sanam Jung who he says is his best friend.