
Viral Couple Who Bought Their Son To Their Walima Ceremony

Viral Couple Who Bought Their Son To Their Walima Ceremony

When the bride and groom entered with their babies, the Valima wine reception attracted the attention of the entire country. Viral Couple Who Bought Their Son To Their Walima Ceremony, The couple actually got married last year, but Walima’s reception was postponed due to a confinement order caused by the global pandemic. Now, after nearly a year, they decided to take care of their family and friends. Fortunately, since then, they have been blessed by a son who also attended the parents’ Valima reception.

Viral Couple Who Bought Their Son To Their Walima Ceremony


The photo of the reception went viral and people absolutely loved it. The couple also accepted an interview. Rayan and Anmol got married on March 13 last year, and the next day the government announced that it would ban all indoor and outdoor gatherings. After a full year on March 13, the couple finally decided to take care of their family, but on March 13, the government announced another strict lockdown. But in the end, they decided to hold their own wedding reception on March 23.

“I feel really good, everyone appreciates that he is the first child to attend their parents’ wedding,” Rayan Sheikh said.

Here, we have detailed interviews with Rayan and Anmol, let’s take a look: