
Top 5 Remedies For Removing Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Are you disturbed with your stretch marks after the pregnancy baby birth? If yes, then here we are with natural home remedies to get rid of pregnancy stretch marks easily. In just few weeks, you will witness the best of the results. So without wasting any time lets make you learn with some natural home remedies to get rid of pregnancy stretch marks easily

Top 5 Remedies For Removing Pregnancy Stretch Marks

1. Argan oil 

Vitamin E enriched with the Argan oil increases the elasticity of skin and rubbing it on the stretch marks might heal the broken tissues gradually hence all the more making the marks fade. You can apply it little and in just small days time you will find the difference

2. Lemon juice

Lemon juice is known as for the natural bleaching properties, so it helps reduce the visibility effectively. You can use fresh lemon juice daily or simply rub a sliced lemon wedge on your marks to see results. You should try this home remedy right now!

3. Egg white

High in proteins and amino acids, egg white is a super food for the skin. When at the time as being applied on stretch marks, egg white will help on the whole to lighten the marks while also tightening the skin. It is so effective and natural.

4. Potato juice

Potatoes contain starch and so as other skin lighting enzymes which is why they are often used to lighten on with the dark circles as well as spots and blemishes from the skin. It bleaches the skin and effectively reduces on with the visibility of stretch marks when applied regularly.

5. Olive oil

It is rich in moisturising properties as the olive oil is full of antioxidants and other nutrients that are exceptionally good for repairing skin damage. Hence the application of cold pressed olive oil on stretch marks will help them fade over time.