
Tie Or Necktie For Men

Tie Or Necktie is a long piece of cloth worn around the neck or shoulders. The language of tie is spoken by the color choice, whereby each color represents a different mood. Blue ties make a serious impression and allow excellent combinations with most colors while pink and green neckties give a warn and friendly impression. When matching a tie to a particular suit and shirt, the choice of the color plays a much larger role than the pattern and design of the tie. The occasion also has some influence on the color of tie one chooses.

Red Tie

In the last few years, thanks to the general trend towards more color, the red tie has gained great popularity. Anyone who wants to accentuate his clothes with some color can add some red with confidence, even to a white shirt and dark linen threads.

Blue Tie

Dark blue makes a good impression and harmonizes with all other colors found in the wardrobe of the classic gentleman, grey suit, light blue or white shirt and black shoes. Anyone who is looking for more variety tends to choose a tie with quiet patterns on a dark blue base . Therefore, the dark blue tie harmonizes well with the overall appearance.

White Tie

White ties are worn by lawyers, judges and state lawyers in court. We have white ties of excellent silk quality in our Onlineshop. In addition, today white ties are also genuinly stylish. The white tie with the black shirt is very much favoured e.g. with young men.

Burgundy Tie

The burgundy tie is one of the most versatile colored ties. In principle it fits every occasion.

Brown Tie

Brown considered to be quite casual. Very hard to match with any other color. The best use for a tie of such color is a weekend or an informal gathering.

Grey & Silver Tie

Grey and silver look neat with a classic white dress shirt. Occasions for such a neck tie include birthday parties, cocktails, various celebrations and other event of the same nature. Grey ties can be worn at work too.