
Srha Asgr Love to Work On Item Number

Srha Asgr Love to Work On Item Number

Srha Asgr Love to Work On Item Number. Srha Asgr is a beautiful young talent who has deeply attracted people’s hearts with her amazing support. She dreamed of becoming a director since she was a child, but eventually she will become an actress. Srha’s career started with her university degree and she later graduated in 2018. Recently someone saw Srha share her daily makeup on the Hum Spotlight YouTube channel. She is very famous Pakistani actress of showbiz industry.

First, Srha applied a primer to her face. Second, she used a contour line suit to cover her plump cheeks. Srha said, the best thing about the Contour Kit is that it can help you hide your double chin. After she sketched her face, she kept sketching her nose.

Srha Asgr recently appeared in an interview with “Something Haute”.

Srha Asgr while giving her remarks on item number mentioned that “I won’t do an item number. I will do a film if they will offer me a strong and unique character as I played previously but performing in an item number is not my interest.”

The best thing for Srha is her eyelashes. She added, “My lashes are sufficient. Before and after applying mascara, I curl them several times to make them look thick.”

Srha Asgr Love to Work On Item Number

Srha further added that “I don’t mind dancing but not an item number, because item number has different requirements. The type of dressing and much more things are quite different from simple dancing and I’m not comfortable with all of this.”