
Some Papaya Recipes You Will Most Likely Enjoy

The papaya fruit is a sweet fruit that contains a flesh that has a rich orange color and on the inside there are black seeds that are surrounded by a gelatinous like substance. It has been known that Christopher Columbus used to call papaya as ‘the fruit of the angels’, meaning apart from the taste there are also plenty of other health benefits papaya can provide. Due to the deliciousness of the fruit and its beneficial properties, there are various papaya recipes out there so you can easily include this sweet and musky fruit in your courses.

But first, which are the potential papaya health benefits? As research has suggested, this fruit is rich in antioxidant nutrients like carotenes, vitamin C and flavonoids, the B vitamins, folate and pantothenic acid and minerals, potassium, copper, magnesium and fiber. It has also been noted that papaya contains more vitamin C than the orange. This being the vitamin that is important against cardiovascular disease, stroke, stomach cancer, breast cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and it also helps in supporting your immune system. Among the benefits, there are:

Read more details on papaya health benefits here.

Papaya Recipes

 As mentioned, papaya is that one fruit that can be included in different types of courses. That’s why there are different types of recipes we can include papaya in if we don’t feel like simply eating it as it is.

Papaya Smoothie

Is there anything better than a nice, healthy, fresh smoothie? And especially when papaya is included. What you should do is, in a blender mix a half cup of frozen papaya and a half cup of banana chunks. Add to it a half cup of Greek yogurt, one cup of almond milk and a bit of honey. Mix and blend and there you go! A healthy smoothie to save the evening or morning!

Papaya Jam

Balance Blog suggests a papaya jam would be a pretty decent idea and a healthy alternative since most jams are full of additives and preservatives. What you should do is take ripe papaya, blend into two cups of puree and mix in a 1/4th cup of sugar.

Heat the mixture in a saucepan until there is a thicker consistency. Add a teaspoon lemon juice mix let it cool and put it in an airtight container in the fridge. There you go!

Papaya Coconut Muffins

This one seems like such a delicious choice for when you have papaya at hand. What you need is:

Make sure to preheat the oven to 325°, put the puree papaya in a blender until it becomes smooth. Put the flour, sugar, cinnamon, baking soda and salt in a large bowl and mix. Afterward, add coconut and then mix again. Mix the eggs, melted butter, vanilla and puréed papaya in an average bowl. Add the flour to the mixture and stir.

In the end, put the batter into muffin tins and bake at 325° for 25 minutes.

Papaya Bruschetta

What you’re going to need for these papaya bruschetta’s from All Recipes, is:

What you should do is cut the papaya in half and remove the seeds. Make sure to save 2 tsp of seeds for the dressing. Peel the papaya and dice it, place it in a bowl, add tomatoes, red onion, red paper and basil.

Mix the papaya seeds, sugar, wine vinegar and oil, mustard and green onions in a blender. Blend until you get a smooth consistency. Pour this mixture in the papaya bowl, stir and then serve in slices of baguette.

Green Papaya Salad

A salad is always a good option! This one from All Recipes, including papaya seems like one that would truly do my stomach a favor. What you’re going to need is:

What you should do is, in a bowl mix garlic, chilies and green beans and pound them. Afterward, add the papaya and pound again. Take the fish sauce, lime juice and sugar and stir them while pounding again. Add the tomato, pound the mixture once more. Stir the peanuts and serve it.

Santula Recipe

This Santula recipe from NDTV Food seems exactly what dreams are made of. What you’re going to need is:

What you should do is add the cut potatoes, papaya, brinjals and some water in a pressure cooker. Add the turmeric powder, salt, ginger and cumin to the potatoes. Saute the sliced onions, mustard and cumin seeds in a pan. Add the chopped ginger, garlic, turmeric, coriander powder, asafetida, salt and the water.

Afterwards, put the potatoes, papaya and brinjal to the pan. Add milk, garnish with coriander and chilies, and simmer for approximately 6 minutes.

So, are you about to try any of these?