
Some Amazing Health Benefits of Basil Seeds

Sabja seeds, also known as sweet basil, Falooda seed or Turkmaria seed have a large variety of benefits. The basil plant is native to India, it is also known by the name of sweet basil. However, it is different from the Holy Basil or Tulsi, which is known for its immunity boosting properties.

It’s worthy to be noted that the seeds of the basil plant contain no calories. The herbs as well as the seeds of the plant, are known to be very healthy. These seeds are often confused with chia seeds. They are rich in proteins, carbohydrates and essential fats. They also are packed with plenty of fiber.

According to research these seeds, are most nutritious when they are soaked in water and consumed. When in contact with water, they begin to swell and become twice their size with a translucent white film coating. Simply soak them in one cup of warm water for about 15 minutes. Since warm water causes them to swell up and this way release antioxidants and digestive enzymes.

Basil Seeds Benefits

Some of the benefits of these seeds are as follows:

Skin Care

Basil seeds are able to improve skin health as well as stimulate the growth of new cells due to their concentration of antioxidants and flavonoids. The antioxidants may counter the effects of free radicals that might cause oxidative stress and further lead to wrinkles, age spots or blemishes. Therefore, if these seeds are used regularly, they can cause a reduction of those marks.

Hair Care

Basil seeds can stimulate the production of hair and prevent premature hair loss due to the levels of iron, antioxidants and vitamin K they contain. Iron helps in circulation to drive blood to the scalp and it’s also said to benefit the production of strong hair. The antioxidants help in preventing hair loss by preventing inflammation and oxidative stress on the scalp.

Lower Cholesterol Levels

Basil seeds contain fiber more specifically soluble fiber including pectin. Pectin might lower blood cholesterol by repressing cholesterol absorption in your gut. However, more studies are needed to confirm this.

Weight Loss

These seeds are high in fiber, fiber helps in making you feel full and this way prevents overeating. When these seeds are digested, they might swell to 20 times their original size. This way they will physically fill you up.

Help in stress relief

Basil seeds are said to help when it comes to boosting your mood. It may reduce mental fatigue, melancholy, depression and migraine. It is also used for aromatherapy purposes due to its soothing effect.

Control Blood Pressure

According to research, the levels of potassium in basil seeds might impact the blood pressure. This is because potassium is a vasodilator, which means it can ease the tension in the arteries and blood vessels and this way it will reduce strain on the cardiovascular system.

Control Blood Sugar

Basil seeds are helpful in regulating blood sugar levels due to the fact that they help in reducing the metabolism and absorption of the carbohydrate within the intestine.

Relieve Constipation

Soaked basil seeds help you cleanse the inner stomach when consumed. It helps in flushing the toxins through the stomach and guarantees easy bowel movement. It is taken along with milk before going to bed to help in easing constipation.

May Improve Vision

According to Organic Facts, basil seeds have vitamin A and are recommended for people who have failing vision or those who have high levels of oxidative stress. What Vitamin A does is it acts as a powerful antioxidant in the retina this way preventing the development of cataracts and slowing down the advent of macular degeneration.