
Skin Care In Ramadan

As during the month of Ramadan Muslims fast throughout the day from dawn till the sunset and during such time period Muslims have to face certain unconditional circumstances that might damage the skin. Moreover, the people who have delicate skin tone they need special care and diet for their skin. Skin should be the most significant consideration during the month of Ramadan and special precautionary measures has to be taken in this regard. For the proper maintained skin it is essential to keep the skin clean and fresh by using the cleansing and face washes that are suitable appropriate to keep the skin shiny during the summer season. If any of the woman has the oily skin or contain pimples on it then woman should keep washing her face with cold and fresh water. 

Summer season is among one of the seasons that badly affects the skin tone. As we know that Ramadan has approached in the summer season then it is crucially essential to keep the skin cells perfect and beautiful. Apart from the face washes the rose water is also essentially available in the market that should be regularly sprayed on the face and most importantly it should be kept in cold refrigerator.   Moreover, try to drink maximum water during the Iftar and Sehri time as water is very significant for the cells that provide more nutrition for the skin. Try to drink maximum 7-8 glasses of water every day. In addition, try to avoid the use of oily food items during the Ramadan because it can also give rise to the pimples and skin acne too. By following the above mentioned tips you can surely makes the skin even more glowing and shiny in the month of Ramadan.