
PepperLand Kidswear Eid Collection 2011

 They Say Eid is for kids and now a days they make sure Eid belongs to them. They want to not only take lot of eidi they also want to look good with colorful cloths. No other name comes in mind which could be affordable and stylish and that is PepperLand. PeppperLand is a kidswear brand of HKB,it was founded in march 2010 and up till now it is well known for its trendy style and affordable prices .PepperLand has  latest Eid Collection for kids in stores now. They have bright summer colors with light embroidery. They are perfect for kids! Let’s look at their Eid Collection.


Kidswear by HKB


PepperLand kidswear


Pepperland stylish kidswear


 Eid  kidswear


PepperLand kidswear latest Collection

PapperLand kidswear Eid collection 2011


PepperLand Eid collection 2011