
Pakistani Celebrities Sharing Their Sorrows Over The Death of Chester Bennington!

see Pakistani Celebrities Sharing Their Sorrows Over The Death of Chester Bennington!

Chester Charles was the vocalist and co-writer of the band Linkin Park and former vocalist and writer of Grey Daze. He also had a side-project – Dead By Sunrise. When he was younger he practiced singing every day until his lungs and throat were sore to get the voice that he has now. 

Pakistani Celebrities React to Death of  Chester Bennington!

Chester Bennington just shocked the world two days ago. Everyone was sad after hearing the news of singer Chester Bennington of the famous American band, Linkin Park. Singer Chester Bennington’s body was found at his house on Thursday 20th of July. Singer Chester Bennington hanged himself.

The tragic and sad news just astound the music world and the fans of singer Chester Bennington are sharing their sorrows over this tragedy. Bennington’s band-mate and LP’s lead songwriter was amongst the first ones to express his feelings on Twitter:

Here’s the list of Pakistani Celebrities sharing their sorrow over the tragic news of Chester Bennington death.

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