
On which day Sanam Jung was looking more Beautiful?

Sanam Jung is favourite actress, model and host of everybody these days. She has got a lot of fame and love from her fans. New year has brought something big for her. Her precious and best time is going on. She just got married in a grand Mehndi event on 6th January, 2016. Her Dholki and Mayun events held last week. She looked beautiful on all the events but she rocked at her Mehndi turned Nikkah event. Her Rukhsti event will be on 9th January, 2016. At her Nikkah She was wearing Erum Salma Couture. She looked stunning. At Dholki she wore a Chunri style dress that’s out of trend but Sanam Jung looked beautiful in that too. Here we have her pictures from three says of her Sangeet event. See the pictures and let us know On which day Sanam Jung was looking more Beautiful? Have a look to the pictures.

On which day Sanam Jung was looking more Beautiful?

Also see: Sanam jung signing Nikkah papers

On which day Sanam Jung was looking more Beautiful?

Also see: Sanam Jung’s dance with her husband