
Obscene Photoshoot In The Quaid Monument Sparks Outrage

Obscene Photoshoot In The Quaid Monument Sparks Outrage

Obscene Photoshoot In The Quaid Monument Sparks Outrage. The best way to improve the appearance of nail polish is by color matching. In combination, certain colors look chic and elegant. Red and green, blue and orange, purple and yellow are some colors that go well together. Trendy Nail Colors Worn by Pakistani Celebrities, Therefore, if there is no contrast between the color of your clothes and your nails, it can look bad. But no worry! We’ve compiled a list fashionable nail colors worn by Pakistani celebrities to get you started.

Celebrities have been on the receiving end of online harassment and bullying, with details of their private lives being made public and assumptions circulated in order to humiliate them, for years. The most recent actor to get caught up in a web of trolls was Hania Aamir, with the barrage of hate spiraling into a very public spat between her and ex Asim Azhar.

Obscene Photoshoot In The Quaid Monument Sparks Outrage

In these difficult times Pakistani celebrities are encouraging Pakistan to set its differences with India aside and come to the aid of their neighbours. They are also asking people in Pakistan to be cautious and not use being vaccinated as a reason to be any less cautious. They further stood up saying this is a lesson to be learnt for Pakistan and an opportunity to plan ahead in times of crisis. Check it out!