
Maulana Tariq Jameel Exclusive Interview

Maulana Tariq Jameel Exclusive Interview

Maulana Tariq Jameel Exclusive Interview. Maulana Tariq Jameel is one of the most loved Pakistanis in the country and all over the world. He is one person who people from different sects and also from different religions follow and respect. He has always promoted unity and love among the masses and his beautiful style of bayan wins the hearts of millions every time.

Divorce is a taboo in Pakistan and divorce for a woman generally means the end of her life. This is a practice not only common in the backward areas of the country but the urban centres are also suffering from this painful syndrome. Women are not given a second chance at happiness and their legal and religious rights are not respected enough.

Maulana Tariq Jameel has always spoken up for the rights of women and he has always talked about the real legal rights that Islam gives any woman. He said that he was once at a university for a lecture when a girl came to meet him. She was crying and asked why Maulana has not specifically addressed the problems of divorced women. This struck Maulana and she shared that she was divorced herself and she was fighting the societal pressures that come with it.

Maulana is a very honest man and he also gives examples from his own personal life. He was a guest on Hafiz Ahmed’s podcast and shared some facts about his own life. He said that he never loved his parents like other people do and he still does not feel that kind of love for them in his heart.

Maulana Tariq Jameel Exclusive Interview

Mulana also shared the reasons for increasing divorces in pakistan. He said that this is due to the bad behaviour of people during a relationship. He said that the problem mostly lies with the in-laws. Yes, in some instances girls are to be blamed but mostly in laws are responsible for the increased rate of divorces in Pakistan. He also shared how big a sadqa is when you treat a divorced daughter right and encouraged parents of divorced daughters to treat them well.

He shared that he went to the hostel when he was only 11 years old and thus could not develop that sort of attachment with his parents. Talking with experience, he advised parents to not send their children away at a young age as they will then always feel distant from their parents.