
Get Long and Strong Hair With 1 Herb In Less Than a Month

Get Long Hair with curry leaves in 1 month

Recently i read about a herb which helps in long and strong hair and that process is super fast. You’ll get long and strong hair with that one herb in less than a month. That herb is commonly used in our homes and available in market and known as Curry Leaves.

You can get strong and long hair by drinking a cup of tea made by curry leaves.

Process of Making Tea of Curry Leaves For Longer and Stronger Hair

Boil 5 to 6 curry leaves in 300 ML water for about 2 to 3 minutes. Filter the leaves out and add few drops of lemon into the water and add lowest amount of sugar which you think you are comfortable with. Drink this curry leaves tea once everyday.

Curry leaves can repair damaged roots of hair and also stimulate hair follicle. The magical tea is very effective against thinning and whitening of hair. You can get gorgeous hair by using Curry leaves tea.