
How To Make StrawBerry Ice Cream

We all our ice cream lovers RIGHT ? It is one of the best summer food ever. Though i don’t much liking for cooking, but making an ice cream is a totally different thing. And i am definitely a connoisseur when it comes to ice creams. And since the summer is here, in-fact in its full blown i decided why not write an article on making an ice-cream. Thinking on which ice-cream to write on, and what other fruit is better than Strawberry, so today my health and beauty article would be on how to make strawberry ice cream. 

How To Make Strawberry Ice Cream

To make this ice cream you need to have 2-4 hours at your hands, you will be able to server the amount we are making to 6-8 people.


Step 1 :- Pulse the strawberries in a food processor until rough/finely chopped. I like the its and bits of strawberries in my ice cream hence I simply chopped them roughly on my chopping board. How you chop (fine or coarse) depends on your preference. Reserve in a bowl.
Step 2 :-In another bowl whisk to combine the milk, sugar, vanilla and salt until the sugar is dissolved.
Step 3 :-Stir in the heavy cream.
Step 4 :-Stir in the strawberries with all its juices. Cover and refrigerate for 1-2 hours or overnight. I kept it for 2 hours.
Step 5:-Turn your ice cream maker on and pour the strawberry mixture into the frozen bowl.
Step 6 :-Now prepare the ice cream as per your instruction manual.
Step 7:-This is how it was after 20 minutes.
Step 8 :-Since no additives are added, the consistency will be softer than the store bought ones. Hence additional refrigeration is required for a firmer consistency.
Step 9 :-I froze it for another 2 hours and this is how it was after that. And after two hours the ice cream is Ready.
I hope you enjoyed our article on how to make strawberry ice cream. !!!!