
How To Make Homemade Banana Conditioner For Hair Care

Have you ever think about learning that how to make homemade banana conditioner for hair care? Well we all know that apart from the face care, hairs are even taken as one of the necessary features of the body that make the overall personality impressive looking for others. If you don’t have long, shiny and strong hairs then you can never make great impression on others. For the best hair care banana is one of the best alternatives. This fruit is said to have an excellent moisturizing property that travel all inside the scalp of the hairs and help them to get hydrated. It is enriched with the vitamins like A, E, and C and natural oils that are helpful for keep the hairs all away from split ends. They even help out the hairs to fight against the dandruff, breakage and hair fall too.

How To Make Homemade Banana Conditioner For Hair Care

Steps To Make Homemade Banana Conditioner:

For making the homemade banana conditioner you should have at least 3-4 bananas in medium length. Now you have to add up 2 tablespoon of Honey, 2 tablespoon of coconut milk, 1 tablespoon coconut oil, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, small drops of Rose water and 2 tablespoons of yogurt along with bananas. Keep mixing all the items until and unless you don’t get the thick paste of banana.

How to Apply Banana Conditioner on Hairs

You have to firstly put down bananas into small pieces in a bowl. After cutting you have to add up coconut milk and honey in it. After it you have to add the oils, the coconut oil and the olive oil. By the end of the mixture you have to add few drops of rosewater in it for giving away the pleasant scent to the whole mixture. After washing the hairs you have to apply this mixture in the hairs as the conditioner. Allow it to stay inside the scalp for about 10 minutes and then wash away the hairs.

Main Advantages of Banana:

1. It is quite easy in making and is less time consuming.
2. The appearance of bananas will going to help out in deeply conditioning the hairs.
3. Honey will going to be helpful in natural growth of hairs and will act as the moisturizer.
4. Coconut oil and olive oil is excellent for adding shine and glossiness into the hairs.

So this was all in view about the homemade banana conditioner for hair care! This conditioner is quite a lot effective and best remedy for the hair care. Just try it once and we are sure that in just one month you will going to find your hairs smooth, healthy and strong in growth.