
How to dry off your nail polish in 1 minute?

Drying of nail polish is an issue. After wearing your nail paint drying it is also very important. It can also become frustrating sometimes when your nails are wet and are taking a lot of time in drying off. Sometimes, due to delay in nail polish drying, your nail polish messes up. Now you don’t have to sit idle for 10-15 minutes for drying your nail polish. You can get your nail polish dried in 1 minute. Do you think it’s a magic? Yes, it is a magic. You can find different ways of drying them off. Look at the following information.nail polish dry in 1 min

Steps to dry off your nail polish in 1 minute:-

  1. Making use of ice water can help in drying your nails. Fill a bowl with some ice cubes and place your fingers into it for some time. In just 2 to 3 minutes your nails will dry off.
  2. Sticking your hands to the freezer can also help. In just a few minutes your nail polish will dry off.
  3. Making use of your hair dryer can also help. Bu adjusting your dryer to the coolest setting blast some air onto your nails and see that your nails have dried off quickly.
  4. You can also air dust your finger nails.
  5. Making use of a cooking spray. Just spray on the top coat of your nails and see that it will fry off in no time.

So here you see that there are a number of ways in which you can dry off your nails in no time.