
How Can We Remove Blackheads?

Blackheads are one of the most troublesome situations for most of the women. These blackheads find their main attacking area at the nose that surely becomes excessively prominent with the passage of time. Many women make the choice of rubbing those blackheads with surgeries and therapies but that’s not the main solution. In this article we will be mentioning some of the main homemade remedies that would help the women and girls to remove their blackheads much quickly.

How Can We Remove Blackheads?

  1. One of the main homemade remedy would be the use of steam. Just take hot steaming water and place it near the nose. The hot water steam will capture all the germs that are hiding inside the nose in the form of blackheads. After taking half an hour of steam just use normal temperature water and wash the face with clean clothe.

Now we will move towards the homemade remedies for curing the blackheads.

  1. Take an egg and mix one small spoon of honey in it. Make the mixture of both of these items and apply it over the areas that have been attacked by the blackheads. Allow the mixture to stay back on the skin for maximum 30 minutes. Make sure that the uncooked egg should not go into your mouth.
  2. Moreover, you can make the small paste of green tea with small amount of water and apply it over the face. This will surely helps the women to get rid from the blackheads. How veer, this method would take some time in showing the positive results.
  3. Lastly, the paste of mint can also appear as much useful for the nose blackheads. This mint is just a form of thick gel paste that is applied over the blackheads areas and as it gets turned into jelly like structure it is removed from the face.