
Homemade Face Masks for Winter

As the winter season has arrived and every one is looking for home made remedies or smart beauty tips to ensure their skin remain problem free. Here we are sharing few home made facial mask tips for our readers, we believe that in order to protect your skin against freezing temperatures, these smart beauty tips will give you fruitful results.

Egg White Mask

If you have an oily skin and you are looking for a home made remedy, then this mask will really suit you. Take an egg and remove its yoke and then apply it on your face. Leave it for at least 10 minutes and then rinse with water. This will not work as an anti ageing agent but will make your oily skin refresh and protect it from harsh winds of winter season.


Dairy Mask

If your skin in giving a tired look and has lost its freshness, then use this dairy mask to bring out natural freshness of your skin. Take natural yougurt and apply it on your face and leave it for at least 15 minutes, then wash your face. This home made mask will make your skin soft and it will also restore natural pH balance of your skin.


Banana Mask

If you have a combination skin and want to make your skin soft and smooth, then this home made banana mask is the right choice for you. Take three bananas and blend them nicely with fresh cream. Apply this mask on your face for at least 30 minutes and as soon as you rinse your face, you will see a remarkable change in your skin.