
Home Remedies for Hangover

Have you drunk too much and now suffering from headaches, the queasiness, the dizziness, and hangover? Well, you were better to not drink so much as the complication is now going to give you tough time. In our country, Pakistan, there are millions of people who willingly or unwillingly become addict to alcohol. The excessive intake of alcohol can lead you to suffer from hangover. Here are some useful home remedies for hangover.

Bananas – home remedies for hangover

Eat as many bananas as you can. These can be one of your best friends. Drinking too much can lead you to suffer from headache and other complications. Bananas have potassium which is good for your body. These drain the liquid from the body to much extent. Eating bananas regulates your blood circulation and gives you wonderful digestive system.

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Honey and Lemons

The combination of honey and lemon is one of the best home remedies for hangover. If you feel that honey is not good to intake due to the reason that it is heavy, and can lead you to vomiting, then combine it lemon and hot water. Take a glass of hot water, add juice of one lemon and two spoons of honey to it. This mixture is good to regulate your blood circulation. Trust me, this is one of the most useful and effective home remedies for hangover. Even if you have headache and cannot go with it any more, then the mixture of lemon with water and honey is going to help you a lot.

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Take Tablets

Yes, if your complication becomes serious, then you need to take medicines. Ask your doctor to prescribe some medicines. He may ask you to have injection so you are to go for it as you would not be able to deal with the complication any more. Next time avoid drinking this much.