
Health Benefits Of Olive Oil

The Prophet Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam (PBUH) said: “Eat olive oil and anoint yourselves with it, for it is from a blessed tree.”

Besides throughout the world olive oil is mostly used in Mediterranean countries. Olive oil played a significant role in many health benefits. Olive oil is extracted from ripe olives which is beneficial for health. Many characteristics of olive oil are mentioned in hadith shareef. Many scientific studies also showed preventive effects of olive oil and in this post we will let you know the benefits of using olive oil.

1. Olive oil is rich in antioxidants which help to prevent skin cancer.
2. Olive oil keeps hairs moisturised and applies it every week for hair growth.
3. It fights against skin ageing and prevent skin from dryness
4. Olive oil can also be used as a make-up remover.
5. Extra virgin olive oil can be used for cooking purposes.
6. Olive oil reduces Hypertension.
7. Consumption of olive oil decreases the level of cholesterol.
8. From many researches it is found out that olive oil may help prevent from heart diseases.
9. Extra virgin olive oil is preferred for moisturising the skin.
10. For Smooth Skin used it after shaving.
11. It can be used for body massage and it can also be used for cleansing of skin as well.
12. For deep frying refined olive oil is perfectly suitable.
13. Massage your scalp with warm olive oil for dryness relief.
14. It removes rashes of sun burn.
15. Apply little amount of extra virgin olive oil on cracked feet for softness.

Olives or olive oil is rich in vitamin A&E which is great for skin care. It has many healthy advantages so that you can use it as a part of your daily routine. Following hadith emphasize on the importance of olive oil as it contains medicated power.

The prophet MUHAMMAD Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam (PBUH) said: “Eat olive oil with your bread, and oil yourselves with it, for it is from a blessed tree.” (Ibn Maja, At’ima, 34)