
Hania Aamir and Asim Azhar Recent Pictures from Wedding made them a Perfect Couple

Did you check the celebrity couple Hania and Asim latest pictures from a wedding ceremony? If not, then here we are! This couple is definitely becoming the internet sensation day by day because the way they adorably click the pictures are getting so viral and famous on the social media. Are they really dating each other?

In a recent wedding, the cameras spotted this couple sitting together holding hands in hands and trust me the couple give us some major adorable couple goals for sure. They are looking so elegant and traditionally dressed out. Check out this picture:

In another event of the wedding, the couple was looking so dazzling as they were so dressed in fashionable outfits. Asim was as usual looking so handsome in the salwar kameez with shawl around him whereas Hania is looking like a diva in this amazing dressed lehenga outfit. Here are some smashing awesome pictures for you:

This couple will be seeing together in so many projects on TV soon and we are waiting for the time to grab their chemistry on-screen as well. Stay tuned to this webpage for more latest updates!