
Habits To Avoid In Winters

Habits To Avoid In Winters (3)

Winter season is loved by most of the people but at the same time it is disliked by others because it brings dryness and dullness to your skin.
To avoid such situations, there are certain habits that one should avoid this WINTER! They are;

A steamy bath for sure makes you feel warm and great but the hot water will make your skin dry and dull afterwards, also steam water opens the pores of the skin which allows the moisture to escape away, so try to shower with lukewarm water and afterwards apply plenty of moisturizing cream all over your body to retain to moisture and softness.

Apply Good Moisturizing Cream for Softer skin

Like skin, your cuticles (the area from where the nails grow) and nails loses moisture and softness too. Therefore one should take care of them otherwise they’ll become weak and victims of bacteria or fungus. Therefore, wherever you get time, apply good moisturizing cream to your hands, nails and cuticles and daily before sleeping, develop the habit of applying plenty of cream to your hands and cuticles so that they become soft.

 Apply Cream to your Hands and Cuticles

We know that dry skin makes you look dull and you get irritated from such dryness but peeling off or exfoliating it isn’t a solution. They will result in redness and make you look even worse. What you can do is apply plenty of moisturizing cream before you go out or before you apply makeup to your skin. Also at home, apply cream after regular intervals to make sure your skin remains soft all the time so that you don’t have to face the need of peeling your skin off!

 Moisturizer – makes your skin soft and healthy

Try the above tips if you want your skin to look soft and great in winters! 🙂