
Famous Pakistani Designer Rizwan Beyg Rewarded with Tamgha-e-Imtiaz

After Mehwish Hayat, the iconic trend clothier Rizwan Beyg also rewarded with the highest civilian award in Pakistan ‘Tamgha-e-Imtiaz’ for all his efforts in advancing the trend industry.

On August 14, 2019, 116 recipients have been granted Pakistan Civil Awards by means of President, Dr. Arif Alvi in honor of their work for Pakistan’s betterment.

One of them was once the Fashion designer Rizwan Beyg. On the services of an iconic couturier; from pulling off unforgettable trend shows, representing our United States foreign places to designing a dress for Princess Diana herself, the clothier has certainly made considerable contributions in the respective field.

Tamgha-i-Imtiaz is the fourth-highest decoration given to any civilian in Pakistan and the government has decided to honor the dressmaker with it however Beyg opened up by means of saying, “I haven’t received a reputable letter from GOP yet. I just saw it announced on the President of Pakistan listing in the paper.” It appears like the dressmaker hasn’t been formally notified yet though.

The president will confer these awards at a ceremony to be held on the subsequent Pakistan Day i.e. March 23, 2020.