
Check out What Muneeb Butt has to Say About Mahira & Firdous Jamal Controversy

Well we all know that the controversy of Mahira Khan and Firdous Jamal is getting out to be the main talk of the town and in this controversy so many celebrities are coming with their opinion and statements. Some are in support line with Mahira and some are standing with the legend actor Firdous Jamal.

But there are some actors who are clearly not interested in giving their side of statement in favor of anyone.  Yes in all such celebrities we have the name of actor Muneeb Butt as well. Recently he shared a statement on his social media account that shows that he is not much interested in taking any celebrity side at all in this whole matter: Check out what he said!

Well no doubt Muneeb Butt has clearly made a statement that is worth to share! What is your opinion about it?