
Celebs Reveal Their New Year Resolutions

Celebs Reveal Their New Year Resolutions

2018 beckons!

So what are the New Year resolutions of our renowned celebrities? Traveling to wonderful locations? Getting your summer body ready? We asked them all this and more.

So without wasting a minute read along to see what your  beloved celebrity hopes to achieve this year.

With the ladies going first, let’s begin with,

Celebs Reveal Their New Year Resolutions

Ghana Ali

“My New year resolution for 2018 is to not dwell over the past and look forward with an optimistic view and hope for the best”.

Tooba Siddiqui

“To be closer to nature and make plans to explore nature in the near future”

For the boys, lets see what Sami Khan has in mind for 2018.

“Less talking, listening more. Less planning, doing more. Less complaining, encouraging more. Less doubting, believing more. Less hate, loving more and to stay focused plus determined to spread love and of course a smile”.

Ali Kazmi

“I don’t really believe in just having a New Years resolution as ones life should be a resolution to try everyday to live it to its max potential. We only get one chance at it as life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it! So let’s keep our reactions positive, our souls alive, strive to be better humans and just be better. Live, laugh, love and all shall fall into place. Happy new year to all and may the force be with you”

Ahmed Ali Butt

“This year I’m planning to be more responsible when it come to our environment and community. I this it’s time we started to be the change rather than wait for it. Also planning to start my own film this year Inshallah looking forward to a productive and healthy year”.

Now this bit of news of Ahmed starting his own film has left us feeling excited for the year.

Ali Abbas

“To be a bigger person as I feel that lacks in our society these days as we all tend to focus just on work and that makes us selfish so we need to be selfless at times. This has been my resolution every year and I try my best to achieve it ”

Zahid Ahmed

“Absolutely no resolutions. No plans, just going to try to understand where my life is going”

Muneeb Butt

“Loose some weight, enjoy life to the fullest, attend Tomorrow land, spend less save more and spend more time with family and friends”.

Aagha Ali

“My only new year resolution is that from now on I will give equal time to my music. I have been an actor only and I know that even people want me to make more music as our music industry really needs to be revived”.

Celebs Reveal Their New Year Resolutions