
Antique Polki Bangles Collection 2011

Whenever any wedding and occasion has come to attend,we all are seem to be very busy in preparation for it,especially girls wants to look pretty that why they take so much time to choose a jewellery after choosing the party dress.Antique jewellery has its own fame and its looks feminine.A very important part of jewellery is to wear bangles or bracelets,bangles always enhance the beauty of hand especially glass bangles are very common used in fashion but now a days,the trend of polki bangles are mostly wears by girls and ladies too.The polki jewelleries has green, maroon and crystal stones with golden,silver and metal plates.These are the new and latest polki bangles and cuffs for women are below,these polki jeweleries are always suits with all the colors of dresses for any traditional event.

Polki Bangles 2011.

 Bangles 2011.

Latest Collection.

Polki Bangles.

Bangles Collection 2011.

Attractive Bangles.