Inside the world of Bollywood, you will not only just be finding the actors acting in films but you will even encounter with so many of the actors who belong to some other professions. Can you ever imagine any Bollywood star who is a qualified and certified engineer? Well if not, then probably this list will make you feel this fact as the reality!
Top 5 Bollywood Stars Who Are Qualified Engineers
5. Sonu Sood:
He is presently known as the talented Bollywood actor. He has received the graduation degree in engineering from the Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering from Nagpur. He has the degree in Electronics Engineering.
4. Sushant Singh Rajput:
On the same list we have the upcoming most famous Bollywood star named as Sushant Singh Rajput. This bollywood star has done the degree of Mechanical Engineering from Delhi College of Engineering. Apart from it he has even qualified for a scholarship in which he has been standing as securing the 7th rank in AIEEE in the year 2003.
3. Ameesha Patel:
Top known Bollywood actress Ameesha Patel has done the degree from the place of Boston University before making her way into the Bollywood. She was the student in the subject of biotech engineering.
2. Shankar Mahadevan:
On the next we have the name of Shankar Mahadevan as one of the remarkable known Music director. He has been honored with the degree in computer science and software engineering as in the year 1988. He has been studying from the place of Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology in the place of Navi Mumbai. He was even involved in working out as the software engineer for Leading Edge.
1. R Madhavan:
Last we have R Madhavan who has done with his graduation from Rajaram College in Kolhapur in the field of electronics. Plus, he did appeared as the main representative of the India in the cultural ambassador in Canada.