As it is Ramzan, every other Muslim wants to go to KABBA for performing Umrah because in Ramzan performing Umrah is equal to performing Hajj. Everyone wishes to seek blessings of Allah in Holy month of Ramzan. We have seen some Pakistani celebrities posting their picture in Saudia on excessively used App Instagram. Here we have gathered Pakistani Celebrities who are in Saudia these days. Have a look to those Celebrities who are feeling peaceful in Saudia.
Pakistani Celebrities who are in Saudia these days:-
Annie Khalid: Annie Khalid who is famous Pakistani singer. She is famous for many rock songs. She has posted picture on Twitter saying that she is going to spend last 10 days of Ramzan in Saudia.

Suzain Fatima: Currently Suzain Fatima has performed Umrah and posted her picture in Abaya on Instagram. MASHALLAh she’s looking beautiful in Abaya.

Omer Shahzad: Omar Shazad is famous Pakistani actor and model who performed Umrah 5 days back. He’s still in Saudia. Have a look how peaceful is he after performing Umrah.
Also see: Pakistani celebrities who performed Hajj and UmrahAlso see: Top model Omer Shahzad performed Umrah