If you are a housewife or a working women, whenever you walk outside of your home, you should be superfluous cautious not only about your skin but you should also pay special attention to protection of your hairs from electromagnetic radiation of Sun. Here is a list of some functional Tips for Hair Care.
If you are a working women and spend most of your day outside you home, in the marketplace then you should follow these tips for your hair protection.
- You should try to wear a sunhat or skull cap. You can easily find a fashionable hat for yourself; this will not only add to your haughty look but it will also work as a fence against UV rays of Sun.
- If you like to go for swimming, then you definitely need hare care solution to protect your hairs fro sun impairment. Apply a conditioner of a well known cosmetic company all over your tresses. It will work as a shield against electromagnetic rays of Sun.
- If you spend most of time in a marketplace where your hairs are directly exposed to UV rays and also you do not want to wear a sun hat. Then you should try to put your hairs in spiral and braids. It will reduce the exposure of UV rays to your tresses.
- Take a teaspoon of suntan lotion with SPF twenty five and mix it in half glass of water. Blend them nicely and fill this mixture in a sprig flask. If your hairs are exposed to Sun, then try to use this mixture after every one hour and this mixture will work as a shield against UV rays.
- Use hair care products that have added shield against UV rays. You can easily find products which have Sun Protection Factor and other necessary elements that can work as a shield against harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation of sun.