What Are White Heads?
White spots that have bacterial water in them are called white heads. This water is very dangerous for our skin, it usually cause itching at our skin and when someone try to do itching and some how manages to split white heads open then this bacterial water can cause serious damage to our skin. Here we have enlisted few smart beauty tips that can help you getting rid of white heads.
Tip No. 1.
If you have oily skin then try to wash your face with anti bacterial face wash on regular basis to avoid white heads from appearing. Try to use cotton for squeezing of acne rather then using your fingers and try to apply anti bacterial cream on white heads so that they do not cause damage to your skin.
Tip No. 2
At least scrub your face 2 to 3 times in a week to avoid any infection. There are several scrubs available which are not expensive and can full your task of removing dead skin cells from your skin which cause bacterial infection.
Tip No. 3
Lemon has antibacterial substance in it. Apply Lemon Juice Cotton on white head, it will have help your skin fight against white heads.